Six vaccinations deep, with a new passport, a new phone, and a new debit card it is kind of starting to sink in that this isn't just another three month stint somewhere. I have met 100 or so new people between the Americans and Moroccans, and I have no idea how or when I will meet all the others.
My most exciting news so far is that we get to sign up for a language tutor for all 27 months if we so choose…for those of you who know me well, you can imagine how giddy I was when I found that out. I fully intend to ask for a Darija or Amazeeg tutor for the duration (and hey French can sneak in too).
In other news, my biggest discomfort has been assuaged - we are broken into groups by language ability, meaning I should be working with a group that will challenge me instead of relearning the basics.
Also, the world is small, at least for Americans focusing in MENA. I have already run into two people I know, and...3 of the first 4 people I met are from PDX.
I'll be in Rabat for a week or so, and fully intend to explore this city since I didn't get a chance to last time I was here. I'll keep you updated accordingly. Also now that I am at least seeing internet on occasion, the posts will get better.
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